Recent State Legislation Simplifies Pesticide Recertification and Licensure

18 Aug 2016 6:10 AM | John MacKenzie

Advocacy pays off.  Five years ago, the MGCSA was invited to be a stakeholder in crafting the new and revised Pesticide Certification Manuals.  The intent was to make them more user friendly.

In the process, the MDA took invertebrates out of general category A&E and placed it in its own category called "P".  The MGCSA, with support from Sam Bauer and Dean Herzfeld, UMN Extension, objected to this change as it would add yet another layer to the already cumbersome and costly licensure programs. The MDA listened and heard the "foul" calls.

At a 2016 spring session of the House Agriculture Finance Committee meeting, the MDA, under the guidance of Joe Spitzmueller, Manager, Facility, Licensing and Emergency Response Section, MDA proposed a change in the law on golf's behalf, to exempt licensed golf course managers from needing more than the general permits unless the chemistries applied were restricted use products.  The MGCSA was at the hearing and leant support to the proposal.  The proposal was accepted and put into law.

The legislative changes became effective August 1, 2016 and removed the requirement for noncommercial golf course employees to hold multiple certifications for application of general use pesticides on golf course property. For golf course employees, this mean fewer certifications.

Golf course employees should seek certification in the category where training best aligns with the work they do or the sites of application where they apply restricted use pesticides.  In most situations, that means individuals will be licensed as noncommercial applicators with certifications in categories A (Core) and E (Turf and Ornamentals).  For questions, call the pesticide applicator licensing unit at MDA 651-201-6615 or email pesticide.licensing@state.mn.us.

The MDA was asked the following question to clarify the new licensure position: 

 "I am a licensed/certified A&E applicator on Happy Knoll Golf Club, under the new law I can apply general use products to kill moles (Talprid gummy worms) or copper sulfate for algae in my ponds without getting rodent (P) or aquatic (F) licensure?  Of course following the label etc.  Restricted use chemicals would require licensure correct?"

MDA response, "Your example is correct.  Another certification category (F, P etc.) would only be required if restricted use pesticides are used."

Straight from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.  A great change in Minnesota law to reduce your expense and the time necessary to gain and renew your license.  

MGCSA Advocacy is hard at work supporting your issues.

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