MGCSA Classifications


To qualify for Class A membership, an applicant shall have, at the time of application for membership, at least three (3) years’ experience as a golf course superintendent and be employed in such capacity. Class A Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, subject to the provisions of Article VI, Section 1 hereof.


To qualify for Class B Membership, an applicant shall be a golf course superintendent who has, at the time of application for membership, less than three (3) years’ experience as a golf course superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class B Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, except that of being an officer.


To qualify for Class C Membership, an applicant shall be, at the time of application for membership, an assistant to a golf course superintendent, and shall presently be employed in such capacity. Class C Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, except that of being an officer.


Any individual presently employed by a Superintendent Member for golf course maintenance and ineligible for membership under any other classification. Class D Members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except the right to vote and hold office.


To qualify for class E Membership, an Applicant must be an educator or extension officer. Class E Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.


To be eligible for EM Classification, an applicant shall be employed as an equipment manager, assistant equipment manager or mechanic/technician within the golf industry


To qualify for Associate Membership, an applicant must be an individual interested in golf course management and/or in the growing or production of fine turfgrass. Associate Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office. The associate may not be in the business of providing materials or services to Superintendents or suppliers.


To qualify for Affiliate Membership, an applicant must be an individual, business firm or governmental body interested in golf course management and/or in the growing or production of fine turfgrass, either individually or through employment by, or other affiliation with, a company, proprietorship or association, and who does not qualify for membership in another class. Affiliate Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.


To qualify for Honorary Membership, the individual must be recognized by the Board of Directors for contributing in an outstanding manner to this Association or profession or related field. This membership shall continue in effect unless otherwise revoked by the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues or assessments of the association and shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.


To qualify for Student Membership, an applicant must be a full-time turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education, or have completed his or her formal education less than one (1) year prior to the date of application for membership provided one’s current employment does not qualify for membership under any other classification . Student members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

CLASS AA – Life Members Retired

To qualify for Life Membership, one must (1) have retired as an active member, (2) no longer be actively seeking employment within the scope of any membership class of the association, (3) have reached the age of 60, and (4) met one of the following criteria; (a) An active member for (25) years: or (b) A Former Board of Directors Member: or (c) A Charter Member. A Class AA – Life Member shall have all the rights of and privileges of the Association except that of holding office. Life members shall not pay dues but must keep current with their contact information annually.


To qualify for Class A – Retired status, one must not be currently employed as a golf course Superintendent and have a minimum of five years service as a Class A golf course Superintendent member. The years of service as a MGCSA member when combined with the members’ age must equal or exceed 75 years. This member shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded that classification, with the exception of holding office.


To qualify for Retired Membership, one must be retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership class of the Association. An applicant may apply to the Board of Directors in writing for Retired Membership, the annual dues for which shall be set by the Board of Directors but shall not exceed one-half the amount paid for the classification of which the member retires. There are two options for retirement: (1) Any member reaching age fifty-five (55), may retire and shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded the member in his or her immediate previous classification, with the exception of holding office; or (2) Any Member having completed a minimum of twenty (20) years of service in any membership classification may retire in that classification and shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded that classification and shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded that classification , with the exception of holding office.


An Inactive Member is an individual who, by any reason of unemployment, illness or other adverse circumstances, has been placed in this class upon his or her application. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to act on such application and to place a member on Inactive status subject to terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules.


This membership is in the facilities name. The facility designates the recipient of the membership benefits. The recipient could be the superintendent, owner, club representative or whomever the facility chooses. The designated individual would receive membership benefits but would not be permitted to vote or hold office.

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